Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 4
Assassins 4 (1999)(Weird Science).iso
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bRUtAL hOM¡C¡De V1.971
Coding Pontus Lundwall (Dr.M)
Gfx Willis Lauskis & Pontus Lundwall
Music by Micken! (what was your real name??!)
© copyright 1995-1997 Pontus Lundwall, Willis Lauskis
- Buy weapons, other things and kill your friend in a maze -
On ANY Amiga with 1Mb of Chipmem and some other mem!
...New features
...The configscreen
...The Shop
Buying and selling
What's this 'bout weapons?
Other buttons
All items in the shop
...At The Arena
The Player menu
Who are these robots?
...Hints & Tips
...Next Version, Final Words
Features (v1.0)
* Adrenaline pumping violent action!
* Fully randomized mazes results in A COMPLETE NEW LEVEL EACH TIME!
* Loads of goods in each stage!
* Eight deadly weapons, ranging from pistol to lazer!
* Blood, gore and corpses that brutaly stays!
* Limited ammo! :(
* Grenades & devestating nuke's that blow through anything!
* 2-player simultaneous action!!
* Maaaany bullets on screen at once!
* Entierly written in assembler for maximum speed!!!
(no dirty programming and thus works on all 680x0!)
* Radars, and lots, lots of more!!!!
* Smooth 25-fps action on any A500 running from chipmem!
* 32-colour background gfx!
Features (v1.9)
* Three different types of killerrobots that patrol the maze for you!
* Three new powerfull weapons (AK50, intenselazer, guidedmissiles)!
* Camoflaged nukes, bullet force, radarjammers, roundturbo, giganuke,
holograms, invisibillity!!!
* P70 shots cheaper and in multipacks!
* Music in the main screen with better gfx!
* New gfx in the shop and the scorescreen!
* The shop has been totaly changed!
* A shareware fee of 50 SEK, 8$, 6£
* Rewritten player-bullet routines -> better collisions!
(nomore, "hey! what the... i shot you!!")
* Improved collisions with SRT-P70 + better range, its a fab weapon now!
* DblPal Bug fixed (hopefully?)! Thanx to Robin Jacobs for that observation!
* Backpack option, store an item in the backpack for later use, e.g.
save a medicie-pack and carry it with you!
* Infotext on the weapons inside the shop, to see what ammo it uses!
* New worlds to play in, jungle and stone (+ the old, wasteland)
* Bazooka gives just half the normal damage, and thus there are other
possible weapons, the bazooka is'nt best anymore!
* Weapon prices are changed to make the game last longer!
* Cool doors in the homebase!
* Bug fixes, both big and small!
* + ALOT of small touches that cannot be mentioned here...
Features (1.96)
* Two new weapons, mega-multi-destruction weapon DS-32 and dualweapon M-177!
* Some small bugfixes... (whops!)
* Game rendered to cardware again! Play until you die for real!
* Player moves when hit by weapons
* Atlast; Player-Player collision! Now you can't run through each other
* Abillity to change difficult level of the maze calculation
(normal, hard, heavy, chaos).
* Small 4 by 4 square rooms, some with traps, have been installed.
* New option: Robot type advances with the level; propotional resistance!
* F-Keys enabeled. One key for each button in the menu, try it, you'll love
it at once!
* Irritaing register-or-die screen removed. Unlimited rounds (hmm..)
permitted (features were only avalible in registered version until now!)
* Much statistics at the end of the game!
* Romur has it that extremly rare bonus stages appear sometimes...
Features in new version (1.97)
* Fixed(?) game hanging in strange situations. Not sure I actually fixed
this, but feel free to let me know if I made it or not. Anyway I will not
release any further fixes. That fuc--ng bug only appeared every 5th day of
constant gameplaying and only on a fullmoon, when it rains on a sunday.
* SRT-P70 collision bug fixed. That horrible bug which caused pausing (or as
one guy complained, 0.25 fps) is gone. And will never come back, so out
blasting each other with that gun now guys (and girls).
* Fadebug corrected in panel, which b.t.w is much nicer now since David
Hagström drew a backdrop for it.
* The module replayer in the titlepicture started bugging when i got my
A1200 030 so it had to be corrected. Hey guys! How come you did'nt tell
me it was failing?! Grr..
* New randomroutines for selecting different enviroments. I had a feeling
jungle stages appeared 45 of 50 times earlier, so now its corrected.
* Fixed a bug minor conserning robot level advancement.
* Minor fixes in the documentation.
Fixed in 1.971
* Just had to release a fix to that bug on the robot. Now its gone.
You may now play without a robot, or with just one robot.
* Sum _small_ fixes in the doc..
* Oh! And the romurs about the bonuslevels can be written off..
(Or?.. Naaa!)
The year is 2045, and the prisons in the world are getting crowded with
hardened criminals. Until now the guards and the prisoners often had a
game in secret where two of the prisoners meet with weapons and slay each
other. The winner was released, or he was helped to escape. The guards bet
money, drank beer and laughed at the tournament.
Recently the government got hang of what they were doing at nights
(don't get me wrong here... ;), and after a bit of discussion, they decided
to legalize the killing. Altought they changed it a bit... The fighters now
begin in a maze, with weapons from the 2000-century, and limited ammo
(before this change they carried the guards wepaons, mzr-10's, a deadly
lazerrifle with 85 MW effect!) And as a final touch, and probably to make
some money, they will broadcast it on televison (yes, they still have
tellys in the future, even tought they don't look like nowadays).
And its here you get in... (I think you know what to do... :-)
Player 1, kill player 2!
Player 2, kill player 1!
Brutal Homicide is a game for two players, each player is awarded one
half of the screen. I'd better say this in the beginning, and I will
the other player is upto it mostly spoils the fun and the whole idea of
radars is rather useless, whats the point in buying a radar and
then your pal can look on your radar without buying one of his own?
The playfield looks someting like this:
|PL1| |
|---+ |
| |
| +---|
| |PL2|
The rest is an wild jungle of brick walls. On the beginning of each round
both players get three lives, two grenades, twentyfive bullets and one
first-aid kit. These items can be found in their basecamp.
Scattered in the maze there are more usefull items, and also items you dont
want to touch; mines. As expected they blow you hard, 48 units its the cost
in energy if you do it...
Each player has as mentioned three lifes, and each life represents 96
units of energy. If you step on a mine that will cost you 48 units, a
pistol shot 8 and a shotgun blast will make 32 units of damage. A Lazer?
It will blow you to hell (heaven?) immedately!
That's the basics...
Installation, problems. etc..
This game needs about 660kB of chipmem and like 500kB chip or fast.
And at least an MC68000 processor...
Now i know that you want to play it, so the game is'nt hard to install
either. As you must have decrunched this archive, you HAVE installed it!
If you're a diskdrive user you can start it by first typing...
1.Empty:> cd brutalhomicide
1.Empty:BrutalHomicide> BH1971
BH1971 beeing the main file of the game. Just make sure you're in the
root of the directory `brutalhomicide' when running it, or you'll get file-
error msgs.
All files the game uses lies in the 'brutaldata' drawer. It must be in
the same dir as the BH197 file in order for it to run.
If some file could'nt be loaded it will display a message. It will also
display a message if you are short on memory. If you have 1 Mb chip only,
then im sorry, but you cant play this. Otherwise it should work fine.
This particular version of the game has been tested on:
A1200 with 8 Mb Fast and 68030mmu
The playfield is seen from birdview, and you control your prisoner with
joysticks in port 1&2. The button is used to fire your current weapon.
Autofire is not needed. You can acess the menu by pressing right&left
amiga/shift buttons (see: the player menu).
If you have a joystick with two buttons you can acess the menu with your
second button. 'P' can be pressed to pause the game.
If Esc is pressed during the play, the round is a draw, no one gets money
and both players are in the shop again. If you press Pause and then Esc
you're back to the mainscreen again.
The Config Screen
In the config screen you can decide what enviroment (jungle, stone, waste or
random), what robot to play against or number of rounds.
To change rounds etc. the joystick left/right must be used (see the arrows
on the flashing icons). If you want to leave this screen go to the
bottom icon and press fire.
Use of the mazetypes 'heavy' and 'chaos' should only be by experienced
players as these often tend to get very tough, especially 'heavy'...
The Shop
Between the matches each player gets an oppurtunity to buy weapons, radars
ammo etc, in a shop. The shop is divided into two screens so if you have
your pizzabox between you and your mate, you can't see if he has bought a
lazer or an extreme radar. In other words, you don't know what to expect!
Buying and selling
In each players upper window are the items listed that he can buy, often
by price/power. You controll a flashing bar (cursor) and if you attempt
to go under the window with it, it will turn into a button! The button now
point at the item you wanna sell. You always get half the price when you
sell something..
Exiting the shop
At the bottom button theres a sign which says exit. If you press it your
button will cease to flash and when both players have pressed, the shop is
If you change your mind after you've pressed exit you just have to move
the cursor to break the state. Not to hard eh?
What's This 'Bout Weapons?
The 9 weapons are listed at the top of the window. When you begin you just
have your shitty pistol, which is'nt listed in the store (only an idiot
would like to BUY a pistol!). Upgrade!
Here is a complete overview of the weapons, you'll soon find a favorite...
Impactdamage is the power that the weapon attacks with. You die instantly
when impactdamage reaches >96.
Standard equipment for the warriors, low on damage and a huge reload
time. Trash this one as soon you get the cash. Costs 1000$ if anyone
care, you will get 500$ for it when you sell it.
Impactdamage: 8
Better than the pistol, but it still has'nt got a decent reload
time. Does twice the damage compared to a pistol tought.
Impactdamage: 16
FOUR times more damage than the pistol, but with a high reload. The most
powerfull bullet weapon in the game. Sometimes, you can make more damage
due to the spreading of bullets. Not to costy either. Runs on regular ammo
(four shots a time).
Impactdamage: 32-64
Now you're talking! A weapon really impressive on reload and damage.
If you perfer fast killing, this is your gun. cheap, and effecive...
Impactdamage: 16
Rocket launcher with powerful ammo. The "small" 112mm warhead just
causes a heavy explosion at contact with players, walls, parents etc.
This warhead blows through walls instantly and each shot only costs
100$ so its five times cheaper than grenades and much more convinient.
A very good tactic is to carry this as your first weapon and just fire
at the walls when you get to a new stage. Much faster than planting a
grenade, and you dont have to wait or run away from it! This is the
perfect second weapon, it can kill players and open walls. And
it can be made a very dangerous allrounder for a price. But unless
you have a regular gun ready in the backpack you are almost certain
doomed, because of the reload time! (one second)
Impactdamage: 48
A further development of the famous AK4, AK44 and AK5. This rifle has an
extraordinary high poweroutput for its size, alas the reload is lower
than its littlebrother, the uzi. But it is still better. A real killer..
Impactdamage: 24
A gun for all BIG boys... BAM-BAM-BAM! It has'nt got any reloadtime,
and you kill your friend in a mather of seconds. Very good and rather
cheap if you compare with the other heavy guns. Buy much ammo together
with it! It consumes huge amounts! We have killed lazergun owners
serveral times with a minigun. Soft sound effect! The true
allrounder rifle.
Impactdamage: 16
This weapon is the most destructive in the game. It fires a large rocket
which explodes like a handynuke. This is effective when the opponent is
behind a wall and you can't hit him. You have to be carefull with it, you
can easily kill your self if you are too close to the impact. Very
effective with sometype of smartradar..
Impactdamage: about 300-800
This is an nice weapon, it is an combined Bazooka-AK50. If you press fire
fast and let go, a missile will be launched. If you hold the button down
for longer time, AK50 fire will be activated. Its a perfect secondweapon
for the lazergunner, or P70-sniper. The ammotype you've used last is
displayed in the window. In the shop, you can swich types by pressing the
button SWAP AMMOVIEW. Bazooka booster affects the reload, and you can
shot fast by using autofire or pressing your self.
The drawback is its price, and the fact that the fire controlls get a
bit sluggish, you have to wait a while before it starts to fire.
Impactdamage: As Bazooka and AK50
Huge Laserbeams pump out from your deadly lazergun. When you get hold
of this weapon you better see to it that you have money for the batteries
to. You will need one gun and atleast one battery (power cell). 12000$
is the cost for that package. One cell is good for 10 shots, and you
kill your friend with one blow. You can carry more than one cell at a
time. A lazerbeam, traveling at 300.000 km/s obviously moves faster than
a bullet. Great for surprise attacks! When fired at a player it just cuts
through him. Really cool...
A lazer beam can travel through walls very short distances. Try shooting
trough a sharp corner for example (the other player wont know what hit him!)
Take care tought: If you run out of ammo on the level you are dead unless
you have another weapon, because batteries can't be found, and the reloadtime
is huge. A skilled player may even kill you with an smartradar and a minigun!
(so you had better surprise him first!)
Impactdamage: 768
The P70 is a new experimantal weapon, just developed by the military.
The special bullets are transparent and just stops if they run into
a player or when they turn solid, which is after some distance. The
sensoring is done by both bodyheat and CDD (Cell Detecting Device). With
the weapon comes a jammersuit, which prevents you from being a target.
They carry a smaller amount of highly venomous HN-35 which is sprayed
from the shot at impact. This poison will damage the target with 8
about each second, when he is moving... When the enemy stands still the
effects are slowed and just gives random damage. The impact it self
will damage him by 32. The poisoning effect will dissapear when the
victim picks up a first-aid or dies...
Speed is equal in air and in walls. They travel over an area of half
total screen. Only strong tactic for a P70 owner is to stay a bit away
from the enemy. And fire in angles 90° and 45°; You need a radar.
When you hit him, run away and wait for him to die... :)
(Want to be extra nasty? Take all first-aid packs you see...;^)
Impactdamage: 32 (8 constant <1 second after that, when he moves)
(If you want to kill a P70 owner get a lazer and a radar real fast and
a couple of turbo sticks is'nt too bad either. Or get a P70 you too!
Tactic: Stay out of straight angles especially 90° 180° 360° 0°. Then
surpise him and shot him in his ass! You can fool him to fire in the air
by running fast in his shooting-field.)
C45-Guided Rockets
This weapon fires one shot, with the same size as an bazooka charge. The
only difference is that you controll it. It will fly ower the walls and
detonate on your friend when passing by. Ofcourse, you cannot controll both
the player and the rocket at the sametime and you get very wounerable.
If you press fire again when a rocket is in the air you loose controll over
it and you're back on steering the player.
When you are the lucky owner of your C45-rocket guider, you can't stand
very close to the enemy, the best way is to jam the other radar and hide
some where in the terrain, as far away as possible, and always keep an eye
on your radar to see if the enemy is close.
The C45 is not a stand-alone weapon. You may be defeated with a bazbooster
and roundturbo player.
Impactdamage: 48
The mainproblem with the lazergun is a) the reload time and b) the cost.
This gun solves both these problems. It's powered by U-235, the same kind
used in nuclearpowerplants. This gives much more energy than a battery
and U-235 is rather cheap nowadays, due to the big U-235 mines on Mars.
Each charge comes in a thick lead casing and when inserted in a intenselazer
it begins to glow. A charge is good for 20 shots and the price is just
100$ each shot. The reload is also very acceptable, about the same as an
boosted bazooka. The shots are shorter and a bit weaker than a lazer shots.
The only drawback this weapon has is its cost.
Impactdamage: 384
Weapon 1->2
Very usefull if you don't like the order your weapons are in. Normaly, you
want to have a bazooka as your 1st weapon. If you press this button the
weapons will switch places and you can put the in a desireable order.
Swapping Weapons
You may carry two weapons at a time, one in hand, ready to fire, and one in
the backpack. The signs 'weapon 1' and 'weapon 2' in the shop screen shows
what weapon you currently have.
If you buy a new weapon the old one will be transferred to weapon 2, and the
old weapon 2 will be sold. If you sell your weapon 1, your weapon 2 (if you
have one) will be transferred to weapon 1. Weapon 2 will become 'none'.
(You can sell both your weapons and enter battle but then you won't stand
a chance, unless the other player is just as stupid!)
Buying Ammo
Ammo is sold in different packs. The bigger the packs the cheaper the ammo.
Always try to buy as big pack you can. If you sell ammo, you sell in rounds
of 100 or if you have less than 100 in 10's (?). You only get 1$
for each shot.
Ammo can be used to every weapon except the bazooka, P70, lazer,
intenselazer and c45. They require special ammo. In a special box over the
menu, the name of the weapon will be viewed as you pass by with the cursor.
The icons 'Ammo 1' and 'Ammo 2' is the amount of ammo each weapon has.
If both weapons use the same ammo, then the same ammo is written twice,
so it looks like you have double the amount as ammo 1 and 2 say the
Grenades are usefull items in this game. They can blow thru walls and
hurt players in one blow. You always get grenades to start with, two as
a matter of fact, so it could be useless to buy more than 7 (7+2=9=max).
You may only carry 9 grenades.
Radars are effective trackingdevices for players, goods and walls.
The more advanced contain very sofisticated electronics and are very
expensive for that reason.
Here is a list of the avalible radars and their uses:
(NOTE: If you have a VERY bad TV-set with bad picture, you may not be able
to see the walls and so the smart/extreme radars are useless...)
Plain Radar
The plain radar just shows the players position in the maze. Nothing
special about it, in other words. It's a cheap radar, so it helps
much, get it if you have money left.
This radar can view the y18 robot.
Smart Radar
A Smart radar can execpt displaying players also view walls! This is a
real advantage for the owner, as the maze is different each round. This
allows him to effectivly sneek up on his enemy or run away from him.
This radar views both the y18 and z40 robots.
Extreme Radar
Is a radar so extreme it handles all of the above, and with the power-
full addition to be able to locate items! Money, First aid packs, Ammo
etc. will be dotted in the radar screen. But the price is so high you
won't be able to buy this so soon.
All robots are visible on this radar
Radar upgrade
A little circut to place in your radar, it will enable it to show mines!
Very usefull when you have a telly. Works on every radar and stays in
if you buy a new one. You CAN learn to see the mines but it is hard when
you go turboing through the labby (or was that lobby...?!)!
This item can't be sold in this version.
What is what on the radar?
Different dots have different meenings. Here is a list:
Light Pink (fast flashing) Player1
Light Yellow (fast flashing) Player2
Grey Walls
White (stationed) Mines
Light Blue (Slow blinking) Usefull items
Black Ground
White (moving) Robot
Different Items in the shop
Grenade - very common, use it to blow walls. Essential, and you
get two at your camp every round.
Very small package of ammo. Buy this when you don't need the money.
Single shot price is high; 5$!
AMMO 100
Acceptable pack of ammo.
Single shot price is 4$
AMMO 500
Very big pack of ammo. Mostly used for the Uzi and Minigun.
Single shot price is at 3$
Like a big grenade, causing a deadly explosion over a big area. You may
carry three at a time. Extremly powerfull and leaves green, gloving
radioactive dust after the explosion. This dust will damage players by
8 each second. Place a nukie at your pals base! They will loose energy
each time they return! Be prepared for some serious effects when it
detonates tought!
Power cells for the lazer. Good for 10 shots.
A stick of U235 for the IntenseLazer, it will give 20 shots.
Three shots for the P70 supergun. With 0.4 oz of HN-35, a venomous chemical,
and will slowly and ofcourse painfully kill your enemy!
Five missiles for the bazooka. Very cheep compared to grenades.
Three high power controlable mega rockets for the C45-launcher.
Causes an incredible big explosion, erasing about 2/3 of the playfield.
You carry it in the backpack and when you use it a giganuke will be placed
on the screen. Remaining in the backpack is the remote trigger, and when
you use it (it looks like an big explosion) we can all guess what happens...
NOTE: if you blow a giganuke with a grenade, it will be ruined, but the
detonate icon will still be displayed.
TIPS: place it close to you enemys base, wait for him to die and... baaang!
If you own a C45 weapon and a radar this could come in handy. When you
fire, you can see the bullet on the radar screen as it moves, and can
guide it where ever you want.
If you own a bazooka, this is a very powerfull upgrade. It will make it
possible to launch missiles at fast rate, and then reload very fast.
Dangerous, but need much ammo, and is'nt for free either...
If you decide to sell your bazooka and have a booster in it, the booster
will be sold at the same time, for half price ofcourse!
Like an usual turbostick, makes you run in 60 seconds or until killed
from the start of the round.
Very powerfull item to own, it will give you the aid of speed during all
the round, no matter how may times you die!
Onething that really can fuck up a P70 or an C45 owner with an plain radar
is this item. During the round, the radar will be jammed. If an smart radar
is jammed the walls will disapear. The extreme radar is'nt affected.
Halves the damage given by bullet weapons, bazookas, miniguns,
guidedmissiles. It will absorb a total of 512 units before it will break.
It won't give any protection from lazer weapons.
This item is carried in the backpack and when used it will create an exact
copy of your current look. This can be done 10 times so there will be a
great crowd of 'you'. When you're standing still, no one can determine by
looking at you if its a hologram or real. If the enemy has a radar the
idea is useless, so be sure to jam it.
NOTE: Don't place holograms when you are immortal or bleeding, they won't
look any good...
These items are carried in the backpack and when used, it will become some
nice item; money, extralife, turbo etc. and when someone grabs it, it will
explode like a nuke! Nice way of killing your enemy as well as humiliate
him at the sametime!
NOTE: Don't put out camonukes if you are bleeding, if theres blood on it
the other may suspect something.
Another backpack related item. When used the player who used it will
dissapear completly from the screen and from all radars execept the
extreme radar. When the player moves he will be visible. The robots
still sees an invisible person, but no bullet will harm him, still
the robot can crush him. This item is great for surprise attacks.
NOTE: If you shoot when you are invisible, the shot won't be visible
either, so start moving before you fire..
NOTE2: Now (v1.96) you can hit an invisible player and he starts bleeding.
Electronic device to "spy" on the opponent. A lamp in the panel with
the sign 'SPY' to the right will show his status as..
Green -> much energy.
Yellow -> medium-low energy.
Red -> No ammo or little energy or poisoned by a P70 shot.
Very usefull with a radar so you can keep away while he has good health,
and go hunt him when he has no ammo!
When you own a spykit, this little cheap circut can be used.
It will warn the player if he is standing in 90° or 45° angle to the
enemy. This is good when the enemy has ex. an SRT-P70 or if you your
self have it.
An standard radar jammer, it will total jam the plain radar and ruin
the walls on a smart radar, but it won't touch the exterme radar.
It will last one round and is especially good for pissing P70 or C45
owners off.
This is a powerfull jammer that makes the jammed radar show nothing.
It will appear as if he had'nt bought a radar at all.
At The Arena
As soon both players leave the shop, the computer will start calculating
the maze, this wont take more than one second. During this time a screen
is displayed, with current player's score. When both players has pressed
fire, a countdown will start and each player begins in opposite corner.
The basecamp is bouilt of metall bricks for some reason. At the start of
a round, both players get following:
25 Rounds of Ammo
2 Grenades
1 First Aid
If you hav'nt any grenades when you begin you won't get far in the maze
so therefor are the grenades enclosed. 25 Rounds are also guaranteed.
As you wont be hurt when you start you better conserve your first aid
till later, watch out though, the other player may make a little wisit
at your camp... It's often safest to pick your first aid in the backpack
from the beginning, if you're not carrying anything else ofcourse.
The automatic doors can only be opened by the player that beginns in that
base. The doors sensors lie in the ground so if you block them by planting
a grenade, dying or something simular, the door won't sense you, and thus
not open. But there's always the backdoor ofcourse...
The Walls
All walls are destructible by any weapon. A wall in the jungle has not
as much energy as an wall in the wasteland, which has less energy than
a wall in the stoneland. Average lies at:
700 in the jungle
1500 in wastelands
2400 in stoneland
The Player Menu
Both players have a menu at their panel. It is four icons, a grenade,
a gun, a nuke and an empty one. To access the menu, press the shift button
that corrosponds to your window or press your second joy button is you have
one. The first square will flash.
In this version you are enabled to use the F-Keys! This means that
player 1(left window) has keys F1-F4, for these icons and F5 cancels the
choice. Player two has the other F-keys. You will no doublt find
them usefull...
Pressing fire...
...at first square adapts a grenade.
...at second square toggles your weapons
...at third square adapts a nukie
...at fourth square uses the backpacked item (if any).
To unselect the menu, press menu button one more time at last square, and
the flash has dissapeared (Or just press F5 (F10 for player 2)).
Who are these robots?
In this new version you can choose one of three different kinds of robots
to hunt you. The robots start in the middle of the maze in a special room.
When you kill a robot you get money, the more dangerous robot the more money
will you recieve when you kill him. Here are the types...
He is a real idiot compared to his brothers, but he can still prove a
callange for players without lazers. He has 640 units of energy and uses
an uzi with damage 16. He moves in the same speed as the players but
in random. He also has a simple radar system, he can spot players infront
of him or behind him, even trough walls.
You recive 2000$ when he is killed.
This guy is really dangerous. He has 800 units of energy and uses a power-
minigun cannon, which means 32 units damage! He can sense players and tries
to get as close as possible.
You get 3000$ when killing him.
The master, he has the same features as z-40, but he is has a better range
on his scanners, 1280 units of energy, and an dual-action-turbo-lazercannon.
(832 damage!). He has a turbocharger and he uses it move in dualspeed to for
about 15 seconds. The turbocharger loads to full in 40-50 seconds.
He is especially dangerous in the jungleworld where the walls break easily,
and he is said to have one camonuke to place too, but no one knows...
You better be warned, you will have a hard time killing him but not
so hard getting killed by him. You'll have no chance unless you have a
lazerweapon of some sort...
You get 4000$ for killing him.
The land is'nt very clean in this place. There's much dirt lying on the
ground and the walls are often cracked by some earlier war.
The area might hide other things as fuel-depoes... Try fireing at one!
At on the ground are various items. If you can't pickup an grenade or
claymore, is it's because you already are carrying maximum nr of items.
The mainmenu screen 'info screen' will give you more information on
the items.
Boxes with an 'A' on is ammo and each box contain 25 rounds, there are
also an 50-pack with two boxes in each square.
A greywhite stick is the turbo item, it will double your speed for 60
seconds. If you take serveral in a row, you will run one minute longer
each stick.
A red/white/grey stick turns you immortal to shots for 20 seconds.
Look on your radar and see if your enemy is close before you take this
and then attack.
A little bag with some goldcoins in contains 425$.
A big pile of yellow are many goldcoins.. worth: 1500$! Rare item.
The 1up sign speaks for it self, it awards you with an additional life,
and is rather rare.
A grey box is a handy nuke. It used like a grenade but has 40 times more
power. You may only carry three at a time. And you can't walk over an
adapted handy nuke, like with a grenade...
There is a white ball with a question sign on it. If you take it
you may get one of the above (And you may die aswell)...
Sometimes it just explodes hurting you..
When you for some reason die, a countdown will start on your screen with
very big numbers. Then you're at your basecamp again. If you have been
having a firefight with your mate you will find corpses and blood, that
can sometimes help you retrace your steps. If you plant a handy nuke and
don't get away you will die immedately. And if you don't get away from a
grenade, it will cost you half of your energy. Sometimes lethal...
When you get killed by your mate, he gets 500$ + a random of 250$.
The winner of each round get 1500$ (the loser gets 350$).
The winner also recives a bonus of 250$ for each life he has left.
If a player gets blown away by a nuke or a grenade the other player
will not get any money, unless he winns by killing him.
Hints & Tips
Different situaitions, and what to do about them...
You are gavely hurt, almost no energy left, and you have already used up
your basecamp-aid. If you can't find any on the stage go to your friends
camp, in hope of that he has'nt used his aid. If he has, just try to sneek
up on him shooting a few bullets in his back and then run, before he knows
what hit him (requires radar usually).
Or do the most common; the suicide attack, and try to get him to loose as
much energy as possible. You will probably die, and next life go kill him!
A common problem for all us Rambo dudes is lack of ammo. If you run out of
ammo your only chance of survival is to retrive more ammo on the level.
If you are using weapons with special ammo, lack of it often means death...
And don't scream 'Oh, shit im out of ammo!', but you might have figured that
out by your self...
When the ground expoldes under you there was a burried mine there. These
are as common as usual mines, but harder to find. There's just a little
more dirt where they lie. The Radar Upgrade is usefull to.
Another tactic is to sell one life each round and save the money for
something expensive. If you own a rifle and your enemy a lazer, sell
all your lives and save the money for a lazer too!
If you carry maximum handy nukes and find one more, place a grenade besides
the nuke. The grenade will blow the item to dust and prevent your pal to
get it. This works with all items, and you can use nukes instead
of grenades.
If you are poisoned by a P70 shot and know that there's no medicide around,
you can commit suicide by planting a nuke or a grenade on your self. Then
the other player won't get any money for killing you!
Different Equipment Combinations
Weapon 1: AK50 or Uzi
Weapon 2: None
Radar: Plain + upgrade
Weapon 1: Minigun
Weapon 2: Bazooka
Radar: Plain or Smart + upgrade
Weapon 1: Rifle
Weapon 2: pistol
Radar: none
Weapon 1: Bazooka + booster
Weapon 2: DS-32
Radar: Plain + Upgrade
Weapon 1: SRT-P70
Weapon 2: C45-guide
Radar: Extreme + Upgrade
Weapon 1: IntenseLazer
Weapon 2: Bazooka + booster
Radar: Smart or Extreme! + Upgrade
dR.M Special
Weapon 1: IntenseLazer
Weapon 2: DS-32
Radar: Extreme + Upgrade
Next Version, Final Words
And any damage caused by this game is not my responsabillity, if you go
insane by playing it, am i to blame?! It had no viruses when it was released
and it is not a trojanhorse either. No write access is done to any unit.
It come's without any guarantees!
The idea of Brutal Homicide was born sometime in the early winter of 1994,
by Dr.M / Cryozone and Ash. We started, and have worked on and off under
sometime now (we did'nt touch it during spring). Also thanx to the people
on Fidonet who helpt me with small problems.
Especially the keyboardhandler i got (sometime ago) by Henrik Bergström.
Thanx anyway!
Some files were packed with StoneCracker 4.10.3. Great packer, saved me lot
of bytes. The game also uses this packer for internal packed gfx.
Thanx Mr. Spiv!
Stay tuned!!! Brutal Homicide II will be released in early 1998 or to the
christmas sales of 1997 at best, and here's a brief collection of the
main features;
* Gamedisplay is 256 colours, smoothly shaded in 7 levels of light.
* Ingame fx like; nervegas, darkareas, flashlights, explosions and
fire brings light to the area. Street lights light the levels.
* 170k ingame samples, external packets availible for download with
megabytes of voicespeeches for almost every occation. (Using fast/chip
swapping for sound data).
* Beautiful cut screens with nude women
(perhaps not... but they are great, the screens that is. :) :)
* 2 or 1 player game action in serveral diffiucultg levels.
* Supporting fast CPU and RAM, utilizing the maximum performance your
favorite computer has to offer.
* Kickass weapons, for close combat or long distance struggles.
* Reworked gameplay system (actually everything is reworked for the
* And yes! She starts from an Workbench in 64 colours, no extreme chipmem
usage is present.
Thanx to all my playtesters (and their ideas)(could'nt be translated)....
mOnGOLOiD "Fan, jag är player tvuo!"
rOOSter "Jag 'toska' som faan!"
zTROObEY "Kolla jag har tre läkemedel!"
Micke "Han e fan alltid odödlig! heha..Eller hur?"
Henrik "bhhm, självkart vinner han... :("
Johan "Hur kunde du vinna?"
Andreas "Sådär kan man ju inte göra!"
Silvio "Fan."
We've worked a pretty long time on this game, and i think the least you can
do is to write and tell me what you think about it, maybe including some
ideas, or buggreports... This will encourage us to make further versions.
*** NEW EMAIL - fast answer!! **** polun@hem2.passagen.se
if i absolutley don't answer to email here, try to email
David Hagström instead on: davidha@hotmail.com
Pontus Lundwall
Häggviksv. 12
19150 Sollentuna